Words with screeny
Words with screeny

words with screeny

Allows to select from multiple possible animations, to display the page’s content after complete the loading process.Special attention to the “Logo Screen”, that allows to use the website’s logo or any other image in the loading progress.The premium version of plugin includes multiple loading screens. Allows to choose a loading progress screen.


The base plugin, available for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory, has all the features you need to displays an loading screen on your website.

  • Allows to display or remove the text showing the loading percentage.
  • By default the colour of loading screen is black, but it may be modified to adjust the look and feel of the loading screen with website’s design.
  • Allows to select the colors of the loading progress screen, or select images as background.
  • Allows to display the loading screen on homepage only, or in all pages of website.
  • In heavy pages the “Loading Page with Loading Screen” plugin allows to know when the page appearance is ready.
  • Displays a screen showing loading percentage of a given page.
  • Once everything is loaded, the screen disappears. Loading Page with Loading Screen plugin performs a pre-loading of image on your website and displays a loading progress screen with percentage of completion.

    words with screeny words with screeny

    → Allows to display or remove the text showing the loading percentage → Allows to select the colors of the loading progress screen, → Displays the page’s content with an animation after complete the loading process → Displays a screen showing loading percentage of a given page Loading Page with Loading Screen features:

    Words with screeny