Battle axe warriors
Battle axe warriors

He walks about day and night seeking whom to devour, hence we must never relax in battle against the powers of darkness (1Pet.5:8). He is occupied 24/7 firing arrows at slumbering saints. The devil is aware of this and is therefore vigilant and battle-ready at all times with well-organized agents of darkness in his kingdom. He has therefore invested and entrusted His power to us, to help us secure the Victory effectively. God desires that every Believer be His battle-axe, to destroy the kingdom of darkness: “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons ” (Mk.16:17a). When David faced Goliath, God Himself fought the giant, using the young lad as His battle axe: “Then David said to the Philistine … This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand … Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord ’s, and He will give you into our hands” (1Sam.17:45-47). The Lord is lifting up the likes of Moses as His instruments of battle to destroy the many Pharaohs arising. So many satanic activities are going on, all out to oppose the kingdom of God and prevent the saints from fulfilling divine mandates. The world is a battle-field, an arena of diabolical conflicts. Moses was God’s battle-axe to defeat Pharaoh and his hosts, to the extent that “t he Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the LORD fights for them against the Egyptians” (Exo.14:25). God dealt with Pharaoh as he witnessed Jehovah’s raw power working through Moses: “So the Lord said to Moses: “See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron you r brother shall be your prophet” (Exo.7:1). God fights battles for and through His people. A battle axe is a weapon has the capacity to cut down, root up and break into pieces the strongholds of the enemy. Every warrior prepares effective and trusted armaments. No warrior goes to war without weapon to fight. He is “strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle” (Psa.24:8). God is a Warrior: “The LORD is a Man of War” (Exo.15:3). I AM GOD’S BATTLE AXE and WEAPON of WAR: “You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: f or with you I will break the nation in pieces with you I will destroy kingdoms” (Jer.51:20). As you can see, there are lots and lots of options out there just waiting to be discovered! Take your time and really wait to find the option that's perfect for your needs.“ You are M Y BATTLE-AX and weapons of war …” (Jer.51:20a).

battle axe warriors battle axe warriors

We hope that this closer look at the best battle axes out there has been useful for you. The inclusion of a cow hide leather sheath is another positive and puts this quality item heads and shoulders above some of the others. If you're looking for a useful axe that will last you for many years to come - and help you to feel like a real viking - then this might well be the option. The size and weight are perfect, making this a nicely balanced axe that has been given an excellent heat treatment to keep it as functional as possible. This axe isn't only beautiful and faithful to the traditional battle axe, but it's built from some really impressive materials that will ensure you get the results that you're hoping for.

battle axe warriors

There is everything from authentic and functional axes that give you powerful functionality to ornate and faithful replicas that look great upon a wall.įor our recommended axe, we are going for one of the authentic options: the Damascus Steel Log Splitter Axe. As you can see, there are a huge range of battle axe options out there on the market.

Battle axe warriors